Tuesday 15 March 2011

Day 15

so managed to get off track with all the noise in the mkt but keeping to schedule diet wise to the fullest and am still starting to see results.  My workout routine has not really been up to par but I plan on changing that this week and next.

Sunday 6 March 2011

Day 7

Rock n Roll, everything going smoothly... I am starting to actually feel better already.  One thing to mention is I also decided to quit smoking during these 90 days as well as give up drinking in general.

Thursday 3 March 2011

Day 4

I can't believe that doing the squats without weight actually I an sore fronm.  I have no lifted legs properly in years due to lack of discipline, but this feels great. 

Tuesday 1 March 2011


Let it begin.  I have doubts in myself completing this but believe if I do it will make me a better person in many ways.